The Origins

The beginnings of this blog was an article in the Oregon State University newspaper called the Daily Barometer, that was influenced by a visit by Playboy, who was holding a casting call to search for the Girls of the Pac-10. The article was written by a nursing student, Sarah Paeth, who started off the article by playfully preparing us for "a feminist-filled 500-word rant about objectifying women and demonizing the male species." But, she didn't want to write that type of article because she didn't want to waste her own time writing it as well as the readers' time reading it. Instead, she asked the question, why do women choose to pose for Playboy? It surely is a valid question. But she came at it from an anti-Playboy point-of-view. It seemed that she didn't even try to answer the question either. Instead, it was like she was sitting next to an OSU co-ed and trying to convince her not to pose for Playboy. I felt that it was very important to look at and answer the question from, not only the opposite point-of-view, but right down the middle.

I think that this article intrigued me because it opened a whole new set of questions and topics. This blog was originally going to be a collection of the responses that I had received from the different models. But I felt that I could expand more on Playboy. Not only truly answer the question why women pose for Playboy, but discover people's view on Playboy today, the relationship between feminists and the magazine and other issues.

After I found this article, I found
another article from the Washington State University newspaper. The editor of the paper, called the Evergreen, assigned staff writer Janel Brown to cover the Playboy visit. But her assignment was not only to write about the visit but to be a part of it. She was asked to try out to be one of the girls of the pac-10 and she thought, why not? She gave it a shot and she had a blast doing it!

These two different articles and views on Playboy shows the magazine is still relevant. The Playboy brand is still here and kicking ass. Playboy magazine has been a big influence on me and I thought it would be great to share my thoughts and maybe even some adventures.

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